We had a little interview with George and Christine Gomez about their new book "Saving The King"
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Interview with George and Christine Gomez about their new book "Saving The King"
First of all, could you tell us who you are and what you are currently doing?
We are George and Christine Gomez, a married couple, who have recently written a fictional tale “Saving the King” about Elvis Presley based on our screenplay of the same name, which is catching buzz around Hollywood.
George has a nursing degree from Tennessee State University and has worked as a psychiatric registered nurse for over 30 years. He has extensive experience in the treatment of drug addiction and the effects of withdrawals. He is an avid golfer, a movie trivia buff with a movie group consisting of over 400 members, and is a lifelong Elvis fan.
Christine holds a computer science degree from CSU Chico and is a software developer for one of the nation’s premier national laboratories. She loves to read and spend time with her family. Through the journey of writing this book, she has developed a love of Elvis Presley and understands now why he was called the King of Rock n Roll.
Why did you write a book about Elvis Presley?
George grew up in Nashville, Tennessee during the sixties and seventies with a heavy dose of Elvis Presley music sharing the airwaves with the popular Country music of the region. George felt that listening to The King seemed as natural as drinking water. On that fateful Tuesday evening in 1977 when the news of Elvis’ death hung heavy in the air, George felt a great loss, as did millions of others, but he preferred to think of a different ending to the story. Out of the mournful thoughts of his teenage mind, the story began to germinate. As the years went by, he embellished the story and had a yearning to get it down on paper.
Christine grew up in the same era, but the airwaves in her California childhood were filled with the popular artists of the time. Elvis was considered a legend from a bygone time and was relegated to the “oldies” stations. She did not become a true fan until after she and George married in 2007. George’s enthusiasm for the story caught hold in Christine and the couple began the journey of bringing it to life in the form of a screenplay. With the screenplay under their belt, the next progression to the story was translating it into a book, and together they molded and shaped the story into what is now a truly endearing tribute to The King.
What’s this book all about?
Elvis Presley saves a young boy from a menacing stranger after a performance in 1956, setting up a chain of events that ultimately leads to a mystical encounter with an angel who sends Elvis on a journey that changes his destiny. The young boy grows up into a rich and powerful man who forces Elvis to confront the demons of his addictions. There are many threads to this story, such as the involvement of Johnny Cash to help orchestrate the plan while a down-and-out reporter investigates the mystery of Elvis’ death, getting too close to the truth. As the tale unfolds, the reader will be pulled back to the days when the King of Rock n Roll still sat upon his throne.
In your book description you are telling: “The young boy grows up into a rich and powerful man who forces Elvis to confront the demons of his addictions.” Wasn`t Elvis in that time the demon according to many people? Because of his sexy moves and how he dressed.
It’s true that there were people who considered Elvis to be very controversial and vulgar, but in reality he was a performer who knew how to mesmerize the crowd. The young boy in this story attended an Elvis concert with his parents who were Elvis fans as a result of a close friendship they shared with Johnny Cash and even God himself had a hand in Elvis and the young boy crossing paths that day.
Where can people get your book from and why should people buy this book?
Anyone will enjoy this book whether they are Elvis fans or not. It is an uplifting story of redemption about the greatest artist of all time and a page-turning adventure for all ages.
Five percent of the “Saving the King” book profits will be donated to the Elvis Presley Charitable Foundation http://www.elvis.com/about-epe/giving.aspx